Lab School
Our afternoon preschool program is a mixed age program for children ages 2 and half to 4 years old. It meets Monday – Thursday, 1:00-3:15pm.
The program provides a balanced preschool curriculum with an emphasis on early childhood STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Music, and Mathematics). The program includes whole group activities as well as small group and individual centers and activities. We also have snack together, time to play outside, and a read aloud story time each day.
Our tentative schedule is below:
1:00-2:05 Learning Centers (including dramatic play, blocks, art, sensory activities, math, science, technology, puzzles & manipulatives)
2:05-2:15 Clean Up
2:15-2:45 Whole Group Activity
2:35-2:45 Read Aloud
3:00-3:15 Outside gross motor play on playground